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polycystic ovaries: PCOS Facial Hair Treatment


 polycystic ovaries

It is a disorder and imbalance in the hormones that occur in the reproductive age, and this problem is widespread among women, as its prevalence reaches approximately 80%, But most of them did not know that they were infected, the male hormones in affected women are more than the female hormones, these male hormones affect the menstrual cycle, It reduces its occurrence and increases the difficulty of pregnancy, and the true cause of its occurrence is not known, but genetics may play a role in its occurrence.

polycystic ovaries: PCOS Facial Hair Treatment
polycystic ovaries: PCOS Facial Hair Treatment

There is a difference between ovarian cysts and ovarian cysts, as ovarian cysts are known as benign or malignant tumors that appear in the ovaries, as for polycystic ovaries, it is a disorder that affects the ovaries as a result of certain factors and causes that result in many problems that we will talk about later.

Its symptoms are similar to those of thyroid laziness, so tests must be done to ascertain the cause of delayed childbearing.

Women with it feel the same symptoms, and neglecting to treat it increases the problems, so it must be treated quickly before complications occur.

Causes of polycystic ovaries

  1. A disorder in the pituitary gland, which is responsible for secretion of the female hormone.
  2. The ovaries do not respond to the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland.
  3. An imbalance in the hormone dopamine secreted by the brain.
  4. Excess weight contributes to inflammation, and increases the level of androgens.
  5. The largest proportion of affected women have what is known as insulin resistance, meaning that the cells are unable to use the insulin that burns sugar, Thus, the pancreas produces more insulin as a result of the body's increased demand for it, which leads to stimulating the ovaries to secrete male hormones.
  6. There is a relationship between inflammation and an increase in androgen (the hormone responsible for male characteristics, such as the voice, hair and muscles).

Polycystic ovaries symptoms

Women discover that they have PCOS when they are overweight or have delayed childbearing and begin to notice these symptoms:

  • Lack of ovulation prevents menstruation, as the rate of occurrence is less than eight times a year.
  • When the endometrium ruptures, the force of blood is abundant compared to other women, due to its low incidence and accumulates over time.
  • The appearance of thick hair on the face, back, abdomen and chest, this happens to more than 70% of women with polycystic ovaries, and this is known as hirsutism.
  • Male hormones make the skin oilier, causing acne to appear on the face, chest, and upper back.
  • Significant weight gain, as more than 80% of PCOS sufferers are overweight.
  • Head hair becomes lighter and thinner, and is constantly falling out.
  • Dark spots appear between the folds of the skin, on the neck, thighs and under the breasts.
  • The feeling of headache in some women, due to the change of hormones.

Problems that result from PCOS

  • Infertility: Infertility or delayed pregnancy occurs due to the lack of egg production and fertilization, and this is one of the biggest problems resulting from polycystic ovaries.

  • Metabolic syndrome: 80% of women with polycystic ovaries are overweight, and this increase with polycystic ovaries increases the chance of high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which is harmful to health; Together, these problems increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Sleep breathing disorders: Women who suffer from obesity, in addition to polycystic ovaries, are more likely to have sleep apnea, and this causes distress and lack of sleep.

  • Endometrial cancer: When the lining of the uterus builds up due to lack of ovulation, the thickening of the lining can lead to cancer.

  • Depression: Symptoms of polycystic ovaries, such as weight gain and the appearance of unwanted hair, negatively affect the psychological state, loss of self-confidence, and feelings of depression.

Diagnosis of polycystic ovaries

  • Polycystic ovaries are usually diagnosed by looking at these symptoms:

  1. Androgen levels rise.
  2. Low or absent menstruation.
  3. The appearance of cysts in the ovaries.

  • The doctor will also ask about the presence of acne and excess body hair, and will look at weight gain.

  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus, to see abnormalities in the uterus and ovaries.

  • Conducting blood tests, to determine the level of the male hormone, and to check the level of cholesterol to protect against heart problems.y.

Polycystic ovaries and hair loss

There is a strong relationship between polycystic ovaries infection and noticeable hair loss. Hair loss is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovaries, and this disease affects both married and unmarried girls.

pcos facial hair

The appearance of thick hair on the face, back, abdomen and chest, this happens to more than 70% of women with polycystic ovaries, and this is known as hirsutism.

This problem can be solved by:

  • hair removal; Using special creams or electrical devices and lasers.
  • Treatment with drugs for regulating hormones, which relieve the symptoms of polycystic ovaries, in addition to treating acne.

Polycystic ovaries and pregnancy

Polycystic ovaries directly affect pregnancy, as more than 80% of women with PCOS suffer from fertility problems, and this makes conception more difficult, It may also cause complications if there is a pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, blood pressure or even a miscarriage, They are twice as likely to develop these complications as women without PCOS.

Nevertheless, women with it can follow some ways to get pregnant, such as following a diet to lose weight, and taking therapeutic medications to raise ovulation levels and thus increase the chance of a safe and problem-free pregnancy.

Read: pcos and weight loss

What is the treatment of polycystic ovaries?

  • Doing sports activities continuously for half an hour a day, especially exercises that increase the heart rate, such as jumping rope and jogging.

  • hair removal; Using special creams or electrical devices and lasers.

  • Treatment with drugs for regulating hormones, which relieve the symptoms of polycystic ovaries, in addition to treating acne.

  • Taking contraceptive medications helps regulate the menstrual cycle, and treat symptoms of polycystic ovaries, such as hair growth and acne. 

  • Taking metformin (this medicine is used to treat type 2 diabetes) can also be used to treat polycystic ovaries by improving insulin levels, Where one study found that taking metformin with adherence to a diet and exercise, greatly helps to lose weight, lowers the level of sugar, and regulates the menstrual cycl.

  • Note: Medicines must be taken with a prescription.

  • use of herbs; Where it was found that it has a significant role in alleviating polycystic ovaries, regular menstrual cycle and pregnancy, and this was proven by scientific studies conducted on a group of women who used herbal treatment, Where it was found that the largest number of them were cured of polycystic ovaries, and 50% increased their fertility and became pregnant.

  • surgery; The doctor resorts to surgery if the previous treatment methods did not work, as he drills the ovary and makes some holes in it to activate ovulation, through a laser, or thin and hot needles.

Marjoram treatment

Marjoram is a green plant of the mint family, has a strong and fragrant smell, and is used in the treatment of many diseases, especially women’s diseases, such as polycystic ovaries and irregular or irregular menstruation.

Preparation: Boil one cup of water, then soak an appropriate amount of oregano and cover it well for ten minutes, Then filter the water soaked from the extract of marjoram and add a teaspoon of honey to it and drink it.

Make sure to stick to drinking this infusion three times a day for three months.

Read: Herbs that help get pregnant
