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Migraine: What are its symptoms and treatment methods?


meaning migraine

It is a very painful headache that affects a person in half of his head with the eye on that side usually, accompanied by tingling, pulse and severe sensitivity to sound and light, the pain may last for hours or days if it is not treated. Headaches can get in the way of doing.

Migraine: What are its symptoms and treatment methods?
Migraine: What are its symptoms and treatment methods?

In some people, several symptoms may appear before feeling the headache, which is called the aura, which is vision disturbances such as seeing black dots or flashes of light, and various disorders such as tingling and pulse may also occur in the.

Read: Cluster headaches

Medications can help treat or relieve or reduce migraines, along with some daily changes.

Migraine symptoms

Migraine symptoms are divided into several stages, which are pre-headache symptoms, symptoms during headache and headache symptoms with aura or aura, and this is what we will explain now.

Symptoms of pre-migraine

A few days before a migraine occurs, people may notice some signs that alert you to the onset of the headache:

  • Mood changes from joy to depression and back.
  • Constipation.
  • Urinating a lot.
  • Stiffness and tightness in the neck.
  • An appetite and desire to eat a lot of food.
  • Frequent yawning.
  • Fluid retention in the body.

Migraine with aura

Many people may experience aura or aura, before or during headaches, which are disorders that occur in the nervous system that begin within minutes and last for an hour, and their symptoms are:

  • slurred speech or difficulty speaking
  • visual disturbance.
  • Seeing spots or flashes of light.
  • Tingling feeling in hands or legs.
  • Stiffness or paralysis of the face or sides of the body.

Symptoms during a migraine

This stage is called the attack stage, which lasts from 4 hours to 72 hours, the duration varies from person to person and from one episode to another, and it usually occurs once a month and it is rare to occur more than once a month. (symptoms):

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in one or both sides of the head with the eye.
  • Pain with a throbbing in the head.
  • Discomfort with sound, light and smell.

After the migraine ends

This is the stage after the headache ends, after which the patient feels a sense of confusion, anxiety and fatigue, and sometimes the feeling of stiffness and a little pain in the head as a result of suddenly moving the head during the headache.

Migraine causes

The direct cause of migraines has not been reached, but scientists have concluded that during the occurrence of headaches, changes occur in the brain stem, which is the main place of pain, which means that there is an imbalance in the chemicals in the brain.

It has also been found that some things cause headaches, which are the so-called (triggers of migraine), which are:

  1. Pressure nervous; Which occurs as a result of stress, fatigue at work or problems.
  2. Sleep disorders; It occurs in some people when they lose sleep, or sleep for long periods.
  3. pharmaceutical; Such as contraceptive drugs or drugs to expand the arteries, and this is.
  4. female hormones; Hormonal changes in some women lead to headaches, either during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.
  5. drinks; Like drinking a lot of caffeine like a chasm, also drinking alcohol works to happen.
  6. sex; Exercising in the marital relationship increases the occurrence of headaches.
  7. auditory and visual stimuli; When exposed to intense sounds or lights, as well as strong smells, the chance of migraine headaches increases.
  8. the climate; It is possible.

Factors that increase the incidence of migraines

  • Genetic factor. After research, it was found that a large percentage of migraine sufferers have a first-degree relative who has it.
  • Gender: Women are more likely to have migraines than men.
  • Age, it begins in the teenage years and peaks in the thirties, and then fades over the years.

Things you need to see a doctor as soon as they happen

  • Headache after a head injury.
  • A sudden and unbearable headache.
  • Chronic headache that intensifies after coughing or after doing work.

Migraine Diagnosis

If the person suffers from severe pain and his condition develops, then the glomerulus of the nerves performs some tests to rule out serious diseases and limit the disease. These tests are:

  1. Computerized tomography: This type of imaging is used to detect the presence of various diseases that cause headaches, such as damage and inflammation of the brain, brain tumor, and bleeding in the head.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging: It is used to scan the head and detect a border.

Migraine treatment

Medicines used to treat migraines fall into two categories:

  1. Migraine medications are taken regularly to prevent headaches from recurring.
  2. Migraine relievers These medicines work to relieve pain and reduce its symptoms.

Migraine reliever

Medicines that are prescribed to relieve headache pain and reduce its severity include several types, each of which has conditions during use, namely:

  • Pain relievers: These medications can be obtained without a prescription, such as aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil).

  • Dihydroergotamine: This medication comes in the form of a nasal spray, and its effectiveness is greater when taken at the beginning of headache symptoms, but some people may experience side effects such as nausea and vomiting. (People with diseases of.

  • Lasmetane: This drug is taken orally, research has found that it has the ability to stop headaches with or without aura. (It is preferable not to drive after taking it for 8 hours because it is considered a calming drug).

  • Anti-nausea medications: If a person suffers from nausea and vomiting, these treatments help to treat nausea and are taken with analgesics. These medications include (chlorpromazine, metoclopramide and prochlorperazine).

  • Aprogypant: This works like an antagonist and is prescribed to people who are sensitive to sounds and lights during a headache, which is described as acute headache.

  • Triptans: Taken in the form of pills, nasal spray, or injections, it works to stop the pain pathway in the blood.

Migraine medications (preventive medications)

When the headache is severe, strong and recurs constantly, with the difficulty of controlling it with analgesics, then some treatments are prescribed that will prevent the headache from recurring, including:

  • Botox injections: The patient is given Botox injections every 12 weeks to prevent headaches.
  • An antidepressant that helps prevent headaches.
  • Blood pressure lowering medications. This is good for headaches with an aura.
  • Injections containing (monoclonal) antibodies are given to the patient monthly or every four months of the year.
  • Medicines that relax muscles and prevent spasms, such as: (valproate and topiramate).
  • Pregnant women or those planning to.

Home remedies for migraines

  • When the headache starts, head to a quiet, dark room and relax or try to get some sleep.
  • Putting a damp cloth on your forehead to relieve headaches, either dampened with cold water, or with an ice pack, may help.
  • Make sure to drink enough water, equivalent to 8 glasses every day.
  • Set a bedtime, as you have to sleep 7-9 hours a day (no less, no more).
  • Try to eat meals at the same time.
  • Mix some ground ginger with water and drink it.
  • Pay attention to light sports activities, and this helps you reduce stress and weight, as obesity can lead to migraine headaches.
  • Yoga helps to relax and get rid of anxiety, which is one of the causes of migraines.
  • Apply a menthol containing peppermint to your forehead, wait for the pain to subside, and then wash it off.
  • Drink anise, it has been shown to help treat migraines.
  • Vitamin B2, and magnesium supplements can treat headaches.
  • It is suggested that you record the conditions that occurred before the headache attack and the symptoms. This helps the doctor determine the cause of the headache and prescribe the appropriate treatment for it.

Read: Tension headache and its symptoms
